Abraham Lincoln Simplicity Quote – I am humble Abraham Lincoln. I…
Abraham Lincoln Simplicity Quote I am humble Abraham Lincoln. I have been solicited by my friends to become a candidate for the Legislature. My politics are short and sweet, like the old woman’s dance.
Abraham Lincoln Social Status Quote – My parents were both born in…
Abraham Lincoln Social Status Quote My parents were both born in Virginia, of undistinguished families – second families, perhaps I should say.
Abraham Lincoln Early Life Quote – It is a great piece of…
Abraham Lincoln Early Life Quote It is a great piece of folly to attempt to make anything out of my early life.
Abraham Lincoln Annexation Quote – I perhaps ought to say that…
Abraham Lincoln Annexation Quote I perhaps ought to say that individually I never was much interested in the Texas question. I never could see much good to come of annexation, inasmuch as they were already a free republican people on our own model.
Abraham Lincoln Self-confidence Quote – There may sometimes be ungenerous attempts…
Abraham Lincoln Self-confidence Quote There may sometimes be ungenerous attempts to keep a young man down; and they will succeed, too, if he allows his mind to be diverted from its true channel to brood over the attempted injury.
Abraham Lincoln Love Quote – Whatever woman may cast her lot…
Abraham Lincoln Love Quote Whatever woman may cast her lot with mine, should any ever do so, it is my intention to do all in my power to make her happy and contented; and there is nothing I can imagine that would make me more unhappy than to fail in the effort.
Abraham Lincoln Open-Mindedness Quote – Upon the subjects of which I…
Abraham Lincoln Open-Mindedness Quote Upon the subjects of which I have treated, I have spoken as I have thought. I may be wrong in regard to any or all of them; but, holding it a sound maxim that it is better only sometimes to be right than at all times to be wrong, so soon […]
Abraham Lincoln Importance Quote – Upon the subject of education, not…
Abraham Lincoln Importance Quote Upon the subject of education, not presuming to dictate any plan or system respecting it, I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we, as a people, can be engaged in.
Abraham Lincoln Greatness Quote – I have talked with great men,…
Abraham Lincoln Greatness Quote I have talked with great men, and I do not see how they differ from others.
Abraham Lincoln Education Quote – I never went to school more…
Abraham Lincoln Education Quote I never went to school more than six months in my life, but I can say this: that among my earliest recollections, I remember how, when a mere child, I used to get irritated when anybody talked to me in a way I could not understand.